Construction of the 169ft Sitting Buddha Shakyamuni in the Kingdom of Bhutan Bestowing blessings, universal peace and happiness to the whole world
The Triple Gems, object of everlasting refuge in all successive lifetimes
Published on August 16, 2006 By Buddhadordenma In Welcome

Buddha Dordenma Image

Bhutan will have the largest and tallest statue of Lord Buddha. Perhaps it will become the eighth wonder of the world. The 169ft (51m) bronze Buddha, symbolizing indestructibility, will be erected at Changri Kunsel Phodrang overlooking the capital city, Thimphu.
This project is initiated by His Eminence Trizin Tsering Rinpoche.

The statue will accommodate 100,000 statues of eight-inch and 25,000 statues of twelve-inch Buddha Dordenma, made of copper and gilded in gold, placed in multi-layered grid boxes. The names of sponsors will be inscribed separately on copper plates and displayed in the meditation hall.
The well-being of future generations is dependent on the kindness and compassinof the present sponsors and Buddha makers. This project will benefit self and all sentient beings.

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